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There is a source from which all knowledge has emerged. Humanity calls in many ways; we call Gnosis.

Gnosis (-gnosis): from Greek γνῶσις. knowledge.

Gnosis is the knowledge of the higher meaning through experience, especially experience of the divine and what is beyond the five senses. The word Gnosis refers to knowledge what we are told or we believe. Gnosis is consciousness, knowledge through direct experience, not just intellectual or conceptual knowledge, belief or theory. This term is synonymous with the Hebrew דעת "da'ath" and "JNA" Sanskrit

Gnosis can refer also to the tradition that embodies the central vein of Wisdom or knowledge of humanity, although in the physical world was not known by that name, but instead has adopted various guises according to time, place and culture.

The Greek word Gnosis (γνῶσις) involves a type of knowledge derived from experimentation. We mean, it's authentic knowledge of the truth. The reality, truth can not be contained in a concept, a dogma or theory, therefore, has to be something authentic Gnosis lived, derived from direct experience. Personal experience is not transferable in conceptual terms; a concept is just an idea, and the experience is far beyond the idea. In other words, real Gnosis is experience defies conceptualization, faith, or any attempt to contain it. To understand it, one has to live, to have experience. Therefore real spirituality is based on his own efforts to experience truth and the method to achieve that experience is, essentially, practice .

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“We need something that encourages us to work, we need an intimate aid. This is only possible through meditation.”  
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of Anthropology
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